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Monday, March 30, 2009


This world we live in is so cold and nobody even knows how far they might go until it is too late. My eyes were opened wide last night and I can see my time has come to disappear so if you no longer see me in the night, it is because my time has drawn near. I must say good-bye to all that knew me and yet I have these tears come to my eyes. I try to wipe them away but they keep coming like there is not going to be another day. My body is getting colder now and my heart is beginning to beat slowly. I know now it is only a matter of time before I parish from this place. Before I go I confessed all my sins and prayed that GOD would forgive for all that I have done. The only thing I regret the most is leaving my one and only son. I will never be able to see him grow as well as my daughter I will never see get any older. I only hope that they remember me the way I used to be and not the way that I am. As for my husband I give a gift of one true love to you. I hope that someday you will find someone who will be good to you! My heart is hurting now and my body is starting to shake. My time has come and I can now see the black snake. I don't see any white light like you are suppose to I only see darkness. I guess I know where I am going and there is nothing for me to do. I hope you all can get along with out me I will see you all real soon!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Water Flow

As I sit on the beach with the sand at me feet, I watch the water flow down stream without skipping a beat. I wonder now like I wondered then where my life is going and where it has been?

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Why do I feel like my time is almost up? Why do I feel like my life has turned to dust? I feel like I no longer exist. I am still wondering what step did I miss? Why must I feel like this? What have I done to deserve all this? My heart is broken into two and my eyes are crying just for you! Do you not see my pain? Do you not know that this is driving me insane? I feel as if I have lost you and there is nothing that I can do. After everything we have been through I can't believe the things you do. Why would you treat me this way? Why would you tell me to walk away? I love you with all my heart, I can not believe we have drifted apart. What is it that you want me to say? Do you want me to say that it's okay? Because if you do, that is something I can not do! I love you to much to even think that, that might be true! How will I ever make it without you?

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Why is the world so complicated? Why do we make our lives so difficult, when it could be so easy?

Why do we not have faith in the one and only GOD?

Why do we as people take our lives in our own hands?

Why do we judge when we will be the ones who are judged?

Why do saints become sinners?

Why am I here and what is my purpose?

Why was I chosen?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Who is this?

Who is this man that I see?

Who is this man standing in front of me?

Who is this man that I love?

Who is this man? Is this man the one?

Who is this man that greets me at the door?

Who is this man picking me up off the floor?

Who is this man that lends me his hand?

Who is this man that steps up and takes a stand?

Who is this man that gives me his heart?

Who is this man that won't let things fall apart?

Who is this man that made the stars and the moon?

Who is this man that gave me a silver spoon?

Who is this man that makes the skies gray?

Who is this man that makes the rain go away?

Who is this man that made you and me?

Who is this man that makes the birds spread their wings?

Who is this man that they talk about?

Who is this man that we forgot about?

Who is this man that I love so dear?

Who is this man that I know is near?

This man that I speak of is no different from you or me, he breathes and sleeps just the same.

This man I speak of has a name. His name is GOD he is the only one!

Poem Written By: Shannon Windnagle

Monday, March 2, 2009

Hopes and Dreams

I know a man who once told me that I killed all his hopes and dreams. Yet when I had asked him, he said" They didn't mean a thing!"

I asked him once more, before I walked out the door but he assured me he was fine. So, I turned around and closed my eyes, and pretended not to cry.

I knew what he said was a lie. Yet I didn't change my mind. I knew what I had to do, I had to let go of you.

I wanted to tell you that I loved you, and that you meant the world to me. But in the back of my mind I knew I had ran out of time, and you no longer cared for me.

I knew that as time would pass, you would think about all I have said. Now that, that time has come you tell me you rather be dead!

You wish that you can reverse the time and go back to the way things were. But I told you many years ago that you needed to be sure. You needed to know what you wanted and what you wanted from me and everytime I asked you this it felt like I was talking to a tree!

Now it's to late and we both have made our mistakes. Yet I have moved on and you are still holding on to a wish that you think might come true.

I've told you once, I've told you twice I no longer exist to you!

I once knew a man who told me I killed all his hopes and dreams. Yet when I had asked him this he said that " they didn't mean a thing!"